Wolf Methodology dog training videos - Course 5

Basic Commands

Learning objectives

This module will help you:
  • Train your dog to walk on a leash
  • Use the correct tone of voice when teaching different commands
  • Stop your pet from pulling on the leash
  • Troubleshoot when your dog does not respond appropriately to your commands
  • Improve the speed at which your dog learns the 12 basic commands
Has leash walking training become an ordeal for you and your family? Do you want to get your dog to stop pulling and follow your lead? Then you’ve definitely come to the right place! This module discusses the 12 basic commands that are critical for dog walking training.

Two key factors help improve the speed of learning for your canine buddy: repetition and consistent use of commands by your family members. Writing down these commands on a cue card that you carry with you when training your dog is highly recommended:

  • Sit
  • Sit properly
  • Down
  • Here
  • Stay
  • Come
  • Up
  • Off
  • Wait
  • Backup
  • Come on
  • OK or K

When teaching your four-legged friend a new command, you must always start with your dog’s name (e.g. Fido, sit!). Next, you must wait a few seconds to make sure your dog understands the command. If necessary, you can use the longline or firmly push your dog into the correct position. Once your dog gets the command, be sure to praise him and repeat the command several times. Some people use treats to reinforce good behavior, but they should be used judiciously.

If your dog does not listen to your commands, you will need to alter your tone level so that he understands. This also applies for both praise and correction. However, keep in mind that too much praise may overly excite your dog, while an aggressive tone all the time may eventually become ineffective.

The sound of your voice will tell a lot to your dog. For example, when your dog is scared and you want to reassure him, you simply need to whisper to him. The words you say won’t really matter but the quiet, comforting sound will. In contrast, when trying to encourage your dog to do something, a more assertive, upbeat voice will do the trick!

Keep in mind that if your dog is not listening to you, it’s not because he wants to upset or defy you. It may be because your dog sees a better option or simply does not understand the command. Dog walking training requires a tremendous amount of patience each day. So don’t worry if you’re experiencing a failure to communicate with your dog – tomorrow is another day!

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